Caroline Taggart


Run Coach - Boston, MA

My first experience running was at 14 years old when my mom made me run the Irish Pub Road Race on Cape Cod. I ran without socks, in old beat up sneakers, got blisters and cried. I gave that up until I turned 22 and ran my first half marathon with my mom in the pouring rain and somehow got the bug.

I'm now on my way to running the Abbott World Majors and finding any opportunity to squeeze in a run during the workday.  I work full time as the Team Head of Global Marketing at PUMA. And on the side, I help manage the Southie Saturday Run Club with MyStryde. If I’m not working or running, you can find me at a brewery on the weekends, baking anything gluten and dairy free and running around the Arboretum and Franklin Park.  

Coaching Philosophy

I want to help you find your why in running and provide the tools, guidance and coaching to support you on your journey. I also believe that there is no one size fits all method. My goal is to create the best plan based on your running goals and balance that with your personal life.  As a coach, I believe we all deserve to feel joy and pride in overcoming obstacles at any stage life. We can all be athletes.

Why I Run

Running is my happy place.  It’s been a form of meditation and a time to fully unplug from the world and be outside with my own thoughts (I often choose to run no music, no podcast). It’s been a means to stay in shape and feel good. It’s been a motivator to push the boundaries of my body and give me a sense of self accomplishment. It’s also been a way to be part of a great community. However, running always comes back to feeling at peace for me. 

Favorite Race

There’s a reason everyone talks about the Boston Marathon. It truly brings out the magic in the city.  Rain or shine, the crowds are there to cheer you on. You don’t just have to be a runner to be part of the Boston Marathon – that’s what makes the race so special. 

Lifetime PRs

Marathon: 3:12:04 - Chicago

Half Marathon: 1:37:44

10k: 45:29