1:1 Coaching

$145/mo for 6 months or more

$160/mo Month To Month

Our 1:1 Coaching option pairs you with a certified coach who will work with you to build a plan that fits your goals. Your coach will help you to execute it step by step, with weekly workouts and feedback throughout your training cycle to get you to the starting line feeling faster and stronger. The 1:1 coaching option can be used to help you train for a race, get back into running, or stay fit.

We believe in the importance of building and maintaining a base to both improve performance and keep our runners healthy. We have seen first hand the effects of consistent training outside of a race season. If your schedule allows, we encourage our athletes to work with our coaches for at least 6 months.

1:1 Coaching Includes:

  • Initial consult with your coach

  • 1:1 attention throughout your training cycle, including weekly feedback within our coaching platform and unlimited access to your coach via text or email

  • VDOTO2 coaching platform account

  • Weekly updated training program built around your needs and goals

  • Race planning and roadmapping throughout the year

  • Access to MYSTRYDE Train On-demand portal with hundreds of run, strength and recovery workouts at your fingertips

  • Access to community events and group runs (virtual and in person)

  • 15% off all MYSTRYDE studio classes, Garmin watches and On Running shoes

*Billed monthly from date of purchase until athlete cancels training.